Applied Science with constant Awareness
September, 9-13 2018, ICE Krakow, Poland
Cathodic Protection in Marine Environment (WP9 & WP16)
Microbial Corrosion in Marine Environment (WP9 & WP10)
Progress in prevention of microbial corrosion in Oil & Gas (WP10 & WP13)
Corrosion issues in CO2 environment (WP13 & TF CO2)
Polymers in organic coatings (WP14 & WP19)
Accelerated Atmospheric Corrosion Testing – Exchange Platform for Advanced Methods (WP6, WP8, WP14, WP17, WP22 & WP23)
Corrosion protection by ZnAlMg coatings in atmospheric conditions (WP14, WP17 & TF)
Securing global water supplies through improved corrosion protection (WCO)
Durability of photovoltaic systems (ENSCP)