On the occasion of EUROCORR 2014 in Pisa, Italy, the European Corrosion Medal was awarded to
Professor Herman Terryn, BelgiumHerman Terryn was chosen for the prestigious EFC Award by his peers based upon his clear vision towards the industrial relevance and needs drawn from the field of corrosion, electro-chemistry and surface science and their relation to materials. He is recognised as a pioneer in the frontiers of corrosion and surface science as he adeptly cross references combined activities in the areas of corrosion technology, functional surface engineering, surface characterisation and electrochemical characterisation. |
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The purpose of the European Corrosion Medal is to recognise achievements by a scientist, or group of scientists, in the application of corrosion science in the widest sence. The recipient(s) must be of a nationality corresponding to one, or more, of the Member Societies of the EFC and the work must be conducted within a European country.
The European Corrosion Medal consists of a bronze medal, a diploma and a sum of 1000 Euros and is awarded every year preferably on the occasion of a Europen Corrosion Congress (EUROCORR). The laureate is invited to give a lecture related to the work for which the medal was attributed.
On the occasion of EUROCORR 2014 in Pisa, Italy, the Cavallaro Medal was awarded to
Professor Mario Ferreira, Portugal
This year’s winner of the Cavallaro Medal, Prof. Mario Ferreira, had been nominated by his peers in recognition for his lifetime contribution to corrosion science. Mario is a Full Professor at the Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering (DEMaC) at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. |
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The University of Ferrara has instituted a gold medal which is to be awarded every two years under the auspices of the European Federation of Corrosion to honour the memory of and the work accomplished by Professor Leo Cavallaro, founder of the Aldo Dacco' Study Centre on Corrosion and Metallurgy of the University of Ferrara, an annexe of the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Ferrara.
Presented in 1965 for the first time, the Cavallaro Medal is awarded to a scientist who is particularly distinguished by his or her activity and publications in the field of corrosion research. The Cavallaro Medal is presented preferably on the occasion of a European Corrosion Congress (EUROCORR). The laureate is invited to give a lecture related to the work for which the medal was attributed.
On the occasion of EUROCORR 2014 in Pisa, Italy, the Young Author's EFC Poster Award was presented to
A. Vimalanandan, Germanyfor the outstanding poster contribution "Redox-Responsive Coatings for Corrosion Protection" |
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Each year since 2003 ANTIKOR, the International Scientific and Educational Corrosion Centre in Moscow, which is represented by Dr. Alexander Muradov, has kindly sponsored a prize for the best oral presentation by a young author under the age of 35 in the Oil and Gas session at EUROCORR.
Ehsan Fallahmohammadi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
"Effect of plastic deformation on hydrogen permeation of API 5L X65 steel Pipeline”
Congratulations from WP 13.
A prize for the best oral presentation of the Nuclear Corrosion Session was awarded to: `Intergranular oxidation of Alloy 600 exposed to simulated PWR primary water`, by Jacqueline Caballero Hinostroza (see photo), Jérôme Crépin, Thierry Couvant and Cécilie Duhamel (Centre des Matériaux-Mines ParisTech and EDF R&D, France) |
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A prize for the best poster presentation of the Nuclear Corrosion Session was awarded to: `Investigation of the temperature effect on the oxide layer formed on Alloy 182 in simulated PWR environment`, by Renato de Mendonça (see photo), Rik-Wouter Bosch and Wouter Van Renterghem (CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education, Brazil and SCK-CEN, Belgium) |