Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

Abstract Sumission

Only online submissions can be considered in the referee process. Please be so kind to register, confirm the activation email (check also your SPAM directory) and then enter your address details. After completion of your address information you will be asked to submit your abstract. An formatted abstract file is not required. Please use the text field in the submission form with very basic formatting options to enter your abstract content. The text must be limited to at most 3000 characters (including spaces), no pictures are allowed. Separate form fields for the abstract title and authors information will be provided. Please check your email account after submission for the confirmation message. In case of corrections please keep the deadline in your mind.


Technical Information for Lectures

The time for Keynote Lectures is 30 or 40 minutes including discussion depending on the session. The time for Contributed Lectures (orals) is 20 minutes including discussion. Strict timekeeping will be essential to the smooth running of the meeting. Lectures must be presented in English.

Please bring your presentation as a Powerpoint or PDF file on a USB flash drive in the PREVIEW ROOM preferably half-a-day in advance or, at the latest, during the last break before the start of your session.


Preparation and Presentation of Posters

Each poster must be in the size of 0.85 m in width and 1.2 m in height (DIN A0). The author’s name and affiliation and the title of the paper are to be indicated in the top section of the poster.

The posters will be presented and numbered according to the poster programme. The poster number will be displayed on top of the board. Material for attaching the posters will be supplied by the organisers. Writing or painting on the poster board is not allowed.

The posters should be put up on Monday, 4 September 2017 and should not be taken down before the end of the conference.

The opportunities to present the posters are during the poster session, and during lunch and coffee breaks. The authors are expected to be present during the poster session.


Author’s Registration

Please note that registration of the presenting author is mandatory for each accepted contribution. The deadline for the presenting author’s registration will be at 9 June 2017. If the presenting author has not registered by this date, the presentation will be withdrawn from the program.


Publication of Full Papers / Abstracts in EUROCORR 2017 & 20th ICC proceedings

The authors of all presentations (keynotes, oral and poster presentations) are encouraged to publish their paper in the proceedings of EUROCORR 2017 (without reviewing). A USB flash drive of the Proceedings will be distributed to all participants at the congress.

Please note:

• If the presenting author has not registered as participant for EUROCORR 2017 & 20th ICC by 9 June 2017 (authors' registration deadline), the contribution(s) will NOT be published in the EUROCORR 2017 proceedings.

• If a registered author fails to submit his(her) full paper by the deadline of 20 June 2017, the accepted abstract will be used as a substitute and published in the EUROCORR 2017& 20th ICC proceedings.

Publishing Rights


Full Paper Preparation and Submission

For preparation of your manuscript, please use this template and follow the guidelines.

For submission, convert the file to a PDF document no larger than 4 MB. The document name has to be identical with your submission ID  (e.g. 69235.pdf). After login to your account, please open the respective accepted submission and use the upload link for the submission of your fullpaper manuscript.

The deadline for fullpaper manuscript submission is 20 June 2017.